Timekeeping software
The basis of the salary calculation is, of course, the record of the time worked by the employees. The transmission of this information to PAYLEX can be done through the PAYLEX TIME MANAGEMENT application, an application that allows online connection to the database through a unique username and password.
What features does the on-time payment application offered by PAYLEX have?
The PAYLEX TIME MANAGEMENT application manages employee absences and implements the free time approval process for employees. The PAYLEX TIME MANAGEMENT application allows the definition of employee work schedules and the automatic calculation of the types of hours for payment according to the legislation and according to the client's specifications
Through the user definition module, users associated with the company's employees can be defined with the roles of Employee / Manager / Time Attendance Operator / Time Attendance Manager
A user with the role of Employee is defined by his username and password and can only perform actions in his name (he can enter his time and attendance, initiate requests for leave or payment, he is notified when his requests are approved or rejected by superiors)
A user with the role of Manager is defined by username, password and the employees for whom he is the manager. A user with this role approves/rejects leave requests and can view time attendance for his subordinates
A user with the role of Time Attendance Operator is defined by username, password and the departments for which he can operate time attendance
A Time Attendance Manager type user is defined by username, password and the departments for which he can approve/reject time attendance
Leave Requests module
The vacation request module implements a workflow for approving employees' free time. Requests for holidays or any type of absence (delegation days, days off for special events, etc.) can be made by the employee or on behalf of the employee. The requests made by the employee must be approved by his manager.
The approved requests are automatically transferred to the salary calculation application in order to pay the respective leaves.
A vacation request can have associated advances (for example, a vacation leave request can specify whether a vacation advance and/or vacation premium advance is requested), and requests for the respective advances are automatically created.
Payment requests mode
Payment requests implement an approval workflow for payments requested in the month. Requests can be for salary advances, vacation leave advances, benefits according to the collective agreement (birth, marriage, death benefits, etc.) Payment requests are initiated by the employee or on behalf of the employee and are approved or denied. The approved requests can be scheduled for payment considering a certain periodicity specific to the company with which payments are made to employees.
Notifications mode
The PAYLEX TIME MANAGEMENT application implements a notification system through which application users are notified of the status of the operations they have initiated or of the actions they have to perform:
Notifying the superior upon receipt of time attendance from the lower level
Notification of the inferior upon the return of time by the superior
Notifying manager to approve leave requests
Notifying the time-shift initiator when the time-shift is refused by the time-shift manager
Notifying the employee when a leave or payment request is approved/rejected
Other free notifications between application users
What are the benefits offered by PAYLEX?
Intuitive and easy-to-use timetabling software
You have access to correct and complete data regarding employee attendance
You can manage time attendance by cost centers
You receive a timekeeping software with up-to-date implemented legislation